Diamondstick vs skin problems and plastic surgery interventions

Is it recommended for sensitive skin?
Yes, Diamondstick is recommended for all skin types and skin colours.
On sensitive skin, slide the stick on without pressing, then apply Phytolift cremasque in a thicker layer without rinsing.

I have a lot of pigment spots, will Diamonstick make them disappear?
Regular use of Diamondstick helps to reduce pigment spots and even out skin tone. 
To prevent new spots, use Serum Vita -Vital C+ and protect yourself from the sun before exposure (minimum SPF 45+ )

I am breastfeeding, can I use Diamondstick?
Yes, you can use Diamondstick while breastfeeding. It will help you achieve an even skin tone, reduce blemishes and smooth the skin.

Can I use it if I have acne?
The use of Diamondstick improves the appearance of acne-prone skin, preventing the appearance of excessive pimples by loosening dry, dead skin. It stimulates the regeneration of the skin, which will renew itself more evenly and smoothly, with a more even colour and complexion. Do not use Diamondstick on open wounds.
Can be combined with Aloe Vera 99% gel and Lipo-Ex Face Slim serum.

Is it recommended for melanin-rich skin?
Diamondstick is an ideal instrument for melanin-rich skin. 
It is guaranteed to be streak-free, even out skin tone and smooth the skin.

Does the Diamondstick cause breakouts?
Rarely had been stated that Diamondstick treatments cause the sensation of rougher skin, which can be normally linked to the personal regeneration process. Please call us

Can I use Diamondstick if I have rosacea or spider veins?
Yes, you can use the Diamondstick family around the active Rosacea or spider veins part.
Spare out the active red parts of it during your Diamondstick treatment or glide without any pressure at all over them, meaning not treating them.
Only after you have experienced some weeks of Diamondstick treatments on the rest of your skin, meaning you learned your skin’s sensitivity, you might try to treat 1 very softly a very small reddish part of the Rosacea. If you liked the result in the next days, you can try a little bit stronger, and so on.
Some achieved great results with their Rosacea, describing to have “dried them out”, meaning gotten rid of it entirely after a short or heavier bleedings, whereas other described that their Rosacea got worse. You are doing this on your own risk, unless you contact our FREE MEDICAL & AESTHETIC CONSULTATION SERVICE 
It seems to work on some and on others not. Remember that every skin is different. In any case, please wear high protection sun screen, ideally Beauté Soleil 45+ Le BAP®, mandatory over the treated areas.
We strongly recommend Diamondstick treatments with PhytoLift Visag, Nouvelle Skin Serum or Nouvelle Skin crème ‘Riche’, to apply instead of the Fruit Fresh Clena Gel.

Is it safe to use Diamondstick if I have Botox or Juvaderm?
Yes, there is no stated contra indication with Toxine Botulinic injections or any kind of fillers (hyaluronic acid or whatsoever) stated. Naturally it is recommened to wait some days until injection puncture site is fully healed.
We recomend serum Botunlinum Toxin will improve your skin concern you want to if you want to use Botox with no injections. 

Can I use retinol and Diamondstick?
Yes, there is no stated contra indication with Retinal injections or any kind of fillers (hyaluronic acid or whatsoever) stated.Naturally it is recommened to wait some days until injection puncture site is fully healed.
VitaLift-Pro cream, Vita Vital C Serum are recommended. It will improve your skin concern you want to use Retinol for.

Can I use the Fantastick Eyes & Lips if I have lip injections?
Yes, there is no stated contra indication with Lip Filler or any kind of fillers (hyaluronic acid etc) stated. Naturally it is recommened to wait some days until injection puncture site is fully healed.


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